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About Us

The Shrimpossibles is a grassroots organization of Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. that expands to every location nationwide. It’s comprised of restaurant employees who are eager to help their communities through volunteer work and fundraising at a local level. As a group, these employees are full of life, fun, and compassion. Their goals are to demonstrate care for their communities and to make a positive impact on the world through work on the Shrimpossibles team. 

Mission Statement

We the members of the Bubba Gump Shrimpossibles pledge to show overwhelming care and concern for both our guests and the community. We strive to be good neighbors and make a positive impact on the world. We will provide a broad spectrum of opportunities for our staff to give of their time and talents to help those in need. Our hope is to build a tradition of service throughout The Bubba Gump Shrimp Company, worldwide!

Our Efforts

Some of The Shrimpossibles’ efforts have included volunteering time and services to fight hunger, combat illiteracy and support the Special Olympics through charity walks like Run Forrest Run 5ks and events such as Read Across America and Tip-A-Cop. 

We would love to be a part of your big event! Contact a location nearest you for more details.